Then I decided to research on this topic, although it was time wasting for some people. First I try to search this issue on Google and when I just write “Pakistan g” he showed me two recommended options, one “Pakistan Girls Picture” and second “Pakistan Girls Number” which shows how much people is searching on this issue.
Here is snapshot of Google search.

Where Websites Get These Pictures
Main question raise that from where they get these private pictures of girls. According our research on this topic websites got private girls pictures from these sources.
Facebook Profiles & Other Social Network has become major source for these websites. These website are working massively to get new pictures. They just random add people & then stole their pictures. Due to privacy policy facebook users cant hide profile picture from everyone so anyone can stole it easily. Secondly lake of privacy knowledge or showoff many girls pictures become public property.
Mobile Phones are second main source to get pictures. There are further types in it.
- Restore Data Method
- Taking snap from hidden place
Restore of data method use when any girl sell his mobile & she delete pictures but don’t format memory card properly due to which mobile experts restore all data & publish it on net. This issue was highlighted last year when many private school/college scandal videos came on internet.Some time boys or girls take picture of a girl & publish it on net. There are many reasons behind it. It may be just for fun or revenge.Non Pakistani & Indian Girl’s Pictures In Name Of Pakistani & Indian GirlsThere are many website that have title of Pakistan girl’s numbers but in website they showed pictures of foreign girls. This way of advertising is due to high demand & to show wrong image of Pakistan in World.How To Counter This IssueFirst if anyone sees his picture on internet he/she should complain that website to PTA. Also notice to Google to remove your content.I suggest you that don’t use private picture on internet. Precaution is better than cure but cure is possible.